Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blue Girlfriend

retardness!! xD

Last Saturday was the second time i watched movie at the cinema this year and it was awesome i tell you. I don't know why the trailer was so poor. My eyes didn't blink for the whole 3 hours you know, and the way the movie injected you emotionally will leave you breathless. I wish i watched it with "someone"...i mean seriously...phhhfff...oh well............... The CGI were pupils popping and the way it blended with the live shot were flawless. The story were good, i mean it felt complete even tho some of the plot were predictable but still there were twists and a lot of epic moment in there. I watched it with my 6 eyes i tell you, the 3d glasses added icing on my pupils! 8)

I want a blue gf! or maybe "the chopper pilot babe with shade" omg! ;)


Today i had futsal after 6 months of growing buttock. I scored hat-trick kot and all of them were long range angled shot........pricless. x)

My right leg got cramps though at the last minutes....sakit sioot...hahahaha

don't stalk my fb page with your sister account STALKER!!! xD

Puchong, Selangor landed on
00:56:52 -- 23 hours 2 mins ago
- cat power