This was the line that i hated the most...
look dude. i never liked u as in like u. i never did right from the start.
There were tons of nastier line that i can never put in here. i don't know what she were thinking when she wrote those but i guess the heart want what the heart want and i'm not what her heart want at the time. i don't know why i'm reading it all back and i don't know what i'm feeling right now after reading it all again. It made me feel as i'm distracting her from her main intention that she had from the past that may cause her to regrets in the future. i can't even be her friend to settle things down after that blow. It made me felt sick to the guts babe...
I don't know why i keep talking about the past when i know things are different now. I guess it is the way to let it all go. I just want you to know it was painful and that's why i keep bragging and bragging and i hope you understand. I guess this game will not end anytime soon but you should always know that i was into you right from the start...
I love your last post though, i want more of that pleaseee :)