Well, now I'm going to share you a bit about my obsession with my beloved software BLENDER!!!
I had spend 7 years of my life with her btw ;P
Well if you never heard of Blender, I mean is not the one you use at the kitchen okeyy...err...well.. Blender is an open source 3d application which is freely available online. You can do all sort of thing from the 3d modeling to unwrapping to texturing to rigging to animation and finally rendering. You can also do real time interactive such as game with it. TOTALLY AWESOME !!!
The application can be download from their main site and it can be use for all sort of thing right away. Of course you need some skill..well... I can teach you personally if you want ;D
Well not you, ONLY YOU ;)
Unfortunately many of my 3d artwork were gone after my hard drive broke down. These are some of the remaining and the latest:
Done this six years ago when i was fourteen.
Done this after i played the Pro Evolution Soccer 4 for PS 2 :)
Done this after i was rejected by MEGAN FOX :'(
I done this for my major for diploma
For project mangement subject last sem.
For major when i was in melaka.
For 3d aniamtion subject. The blender part was the dragon. The background thingy was done in 3D MAX. The dragon took quite awhile to model but it's a pleasure to see it in motion in the end :)
Montage for an event in UiTM Melaka
What i love about blender is their community of developers and artists who are willing to share their knowledge and resource and their ability to organize and develops the steaming hot software and also open content such as open movie project where 3d enthusiast can gain knowledge from it. I LOVE THEIR SHARING CULTURE AND IN THE END THEY GAIN EVEN MORE AND THEY NEVER LOOK LIKE STOPPING. All the best guys!!!
I thank god that blender exist which had contributed me on my skill as an insomniac maniac and also as a tool turn my dream into reality...well visually....hehehe
One other forum which i always check out for CGI stuff is the CGTALK. Have a little exposure with it kid, i bet you will love it :)
This is their last open movie project which are called BIG BUCK BUNNY, totally funny and psychopath. Seriously check them out.OPEN MOVIE
What i love about open movie is that they also share their project files which available freely online for you to explore or you can order the DVD.
Their first ever open movie and also the first ever open movie in the world: Elephant Dream
Well this is their latest open movie project which the theme is about myth and fantasy as the like of final fantasy. The last open movie was about enhancing the fur, animation features and work flow in blender and durian is about the special effect feature in blender as you can see from their logo. Well i am excited about the project because i love durian kooot same as you ;P
Check out their main site: DURIAN
You can also get your credit for the movie for ordering their DVD
Latest Feature
and now check out blender latest feature from their latest 2.5 version. Volumetric SMOKE!!! WHOOOHOOO!!!
Game Engine
The game engine in blender is what made the software so unique. It is a quite high level system for game/real time interactive editor since the artist also manage to create a game out of it. Well they need to push their limit a bit and learn a little bit of scripting to use the full power of the engine but the basic is productive enough.
Some example i took from the web:
Some example i took from the web:
Powerful ain't it??
I would love to have a child of yours!!! xD